
Tackle Localization Overhead

The localization team faces constant requests and communication for each language by the:

  1. Localization team players
    (Project manager, engineer, QA)
  2. Multiple external vendors
    (Translators, linguistic testers, reviewers), and
  3. Product management
    (UX designer, product manager, director)
  4. Requests for information
    (Clarification note, context screenshot)

Manage Localization Lifecycle

The localization project manager plans the iteration calendar for a product version:

  1. Verifies the product settings and assets
    (Supported languages, team, context screenshots, translation memories)
  2. Creates projects with feature branch resources
    (Each in 1-shot for all language pairs), and
  3. Enables workflow to auto-assign to player
    (Engineer → QA → translator → reviewer → PM matched by language for each role)

Automate Localization

The localization engineer integrates zTranslate.AI into the enterprise, and automates repetitious activities:

  1. Configure 3rd party integrations in zTranslate.AI Settings
    (Reuse screenshots from previous L10n cycles, current TMs from WorldServer)
  2. Use the Import Resources project action
    (Load the localizable string resources from the GitHub source repository), and
  3. Enable Jira notifications project action
    (Automatically adds Jira comments as the project state moves through the L10n workflow)

Create Product Context

The provided Context Kit Creator plugin integrates easy creation and management of product screenshots.

  1. PM assigns the current core language product version project to QA
    (QA executes the test plan for changes in product version to create screenshots)
  2. PM assigns localized product version projects to QA after translations
    (L10N QA executes test plan with localized builds to create localized screenshots)
  3. QA configures CKC to send all created contexts to respective product directly

Control Linguistic Quality

Working with old and new vendors is simplified with an integrated product context enabling minimal training.

  1. Context screenshots provide training at module level
    (Each context is given a category when created, allowing focused review of product features)
  2. Context detail has built-in feature reproduction information
    (Test case numbers are used as title of each context, implicitly providing reproduction steps)
  3. Context extraction enables built-in string-to-context mapping
    (All strings on a screenshot are part of its context allowing linguists to lookup all use cases of any product string)

Enable UX Review

As the core product and market evolves, UX designers need to review and make changes to core product messaging.

  1. zTranslate.AI provides a Neutral locale to use as the target locale for the core language
    (Enables UX designer to make corrections collected in the Neutral locale TM)
  2. Core language context provides screenshots for all use cases of a message/string
    (L10N QA executes test plan with localized builds to create localized screenshots)
  3. Changes reflected back to the product sources without explicit communications
    (All Neutral locale changes are exported back to replace original resources)


Sanity Testing for Consistency

zAutomate.AI's automated sanity testing ensures that localization changes do not disrupt the core functionality of the application. It checks essential functions, like navigation and critical workflows, across all localized versions, verifying that the application remains stable and fully operational.

Simplified Reporting

zAutomate.AI generates automated localization reports. It classifies the strings into categories such as Localized, Not Localized, Partially Localized, and Ignore Strings.

The tool automates the process, enabling teams to rapidly assess the status of localization, identify gaps, and prioritize tasks.

Efficient Screenshot Capture and Organization

zAutomate.AI automatically captures screenshots of the localized application and organizes them into structured folders based on the localization status. This task, typically time-consuming, is now streamlined through the following automated steps:

  1. Localized Strings
    If a UI element is correctly localized, the screenshot is saved in the "Localized Strings" folder
  2. Not Localized
    If a string is still in the default language, for example, English, then it is saved as a screenshot in the "Not Localized" folder
  3. Partially Localized
    If only a part of the UI is translated, then it is saved in the "Partially Localized" folder.
  4. Ignore List
    If the UI element does not require localization, such as logos or system messages, the screenshot is saved in the "Ignore List" folder
  5. Do Not Translate
    For UI elements that should never be translated, regardless of the circumstances, this includes specific technical terms, brand names, or any other contextually fixed element, the screenshot is stored in the "Do Not Translate" folder.

Automation in I18n Verification

Automated testing verifies aspects like character encoding, date , Number and currency formats, and layout responsiveness to ensure the application is properly adapted to various languages and regions.

  1. Automated String Verification
    Automatically checks if UI elements, buttons, labels, and messages are correctly localized
  2. Date, Number, and Currency Format Checking
    These values should conform to regional standards to eliminate any manual calculations or adjustments

All You Need To Know

How it Works

Streamline Your Localization Management And Linguistic Testing

Configure Your Product

Provide your product details and assets

  1. Source Language
  2. Supported target languages and Neutral UX language
  3. Context Screenshots with test case titles
  4. Translation Memory from external repositories
  5. Product Localization Team - PMs, Engineers, QA, Vendors, Reviewers

Create Your Project

  1. Process localizable resource files
    1. All for a full translation, or
    2. Changed for daily incremental processing
    3. Context Screenshots with test case titles
    4. Review English UX/product messaging
    5. For Linguistic verification
  2. Use the Context Kit Creator to collect incremental UI changes
  3. Establish a workflow for automatic team assignments

Manage Asset Updates

  1. Use the Linguistic Workbench to enable
    1. Translators to provide incremental TM
    2. Reviewers to provide corrections and approve translations
    3. Product and Linguistic users to look up contextual screenshots for any string
  2. Use the Product Settings for
    1. Incremental TM and Context management
    2. Integrate with Git, Jira, MT, etc.

Product Story

Context Browser