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zeesoft- Globalization Engineering

About Us

Software products exist in a 2-D world of programming language and application features. However, for the application to succeed globally, a third Z-axis dimension of human language is mandatory - enter ZEESOFT!

ZEESOFT was founded in 1992 in Silicon Valley and well known in the Bay Area as the top globalization engineering company in the industry. We have the distinction of enabling rapid globalization in the latest product technologies at both startups and public companies, with continuing support as they expand their test and language offerings.

ZEESOFT has put together a complete portfolio of managed service SaaS products and services to help you go global from start to finish in a cost-effective manner.

Our Key Value Propositions

    Our Managed and Self Service zLiterati
  1. Workflow-driven Translation management with zLiterati: Linguistic Test and Translation
  2. Internationalization enablement with zGlo: Internationalization Automation
  3. I18n and L10n QA automation with Automated Test: Internationalization and Localization QA Automation
  4. zGlo and Automated Test have been seamlessly integrated with zLiterati

    Globalization Services
  5. Comprehensive globalization engineering services to enable worldwide sim-ship.
  6. Unparalleled technology and expertise implementing globalization requirements.
  7. Short milestones to build confidence and monitor quality.
  8. Delivery guarantees so you can meet your international customer commitments.
  9. Proven customer satisfaction across dozens of clients.

  10. Connect with us today
  11. for a no-charge Internationalization Assessment of your software application
  12. for full service globalization enablement
  13. to provision your product on our self-service applications

Globalization Engineering Services

The process of globalizing any web, mobile or desktop application is highly taxing and design and architectural complexities can result in a hard-to-maintain product with difficult release engineering processes.

As your globalization partner, we draw upon decades of relevant platform experience and expertise to rapidly enable your existing English applications for simultaneous release in all world languages.

Evaluates the app architecture,code changes, and testing needed for global readiness.

Code changes to support UI and Date/Time/Number format display in multiple languages.

Adapting the UI to the constraints & cultural conventions of a target country/language.

Multi-stage verification of a multilingual application across pseudo and real translations.

Our Products


zLiterati is an AI-powered Linguistic Test and Translation Management software for teams and businesses. It automates the translation of your content into 115+ languages. zLiterati supports 10+ default workflows for Localization, Translation, Context Review, Review (Vendor, Internal & Product/UX), and VCS/CLI Automation to cover all possible workflow processes. Additionally, it supports creating custom workflows with only the required steps to minimize user activity.

zLiterati also provides support for context review with each string, using screenshot images generated by Automated Test.

Automated Test

Automated Test is part of zLiterati an AI-powered Localization Test Automation tool designed to reduce manual intervention in Sanity Testing, Localization Testing with pseudo locales, and Translation Testing. It captures screenshots for each screen and highlights various i18n issues such as strings, datetime, number, currency, partial localization, and encoding.

Automated Test also creates context for translators and reviewers by automatically uploading screenshots to the current project. Additionally, it provides an option to report the captured i18n issues to JIRA.


All plans include a free 30-day trial
Managed By
Projects and Files
Source Words
Context Screenshots
GitHub Integrations
Jira Integrations
Custom Workflow
Test Automations
Screenshot Capture Plugin
In-context editors
Audit logs
CLI Automation

Our Expertise

We offer a broad technology base in the following areas, with the expertise level to speed up your globalization implementation.

programming languages
Database and application/server frameworks
i18n done on EFIGS language
i18n done on CJK language
i18n done on LatAm Brazilian Portuguese, Bi-directional BiDi (Arabic and Hebrew), Slavic and Nordic languages

Our Clients

Zeesoft has dozens of satisfied customers. See below for a partial list of our global customers, their application that was internationalized, languages in which it was localized, and technologies that were involved.

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Business Marketing strategies

I18n of Job portal
L10n in EFIGS & Japanese
SAAS, PHP/Javascript/Java

I18n fixes & L10n management of website
L10n of Payment site paypal

I18n of XFINITY TV App
L10n in French/Spanish

I18n of Marketing Lead Management portal
I18N of UI test automation

I18n of VirtualCenter VM server, ESX server & vCloud
L10n in French & German
C++ & Java/dotNET

Dev of Localized
Terminology Management Server
L10N in 20 languages

I18n of VOD/EPG
L10N of metadata
L10N in French & Spanish
Java & C++

I18n of Notes Management app
L10n in Arabic (RTL)

I18n of Cloud Manager
L10n in French/German

I18n of Sniffer Network apps
L10n in Japanese

I18n of Casino games
L10n in German
Mac ObjectiveC, Win C++/.NET
Java/Web server

I18n of Antivirus app
L10n in EFIGS
C++/VB Client/Server

I18n of Experts portal
L10n in German/Spanish


What people are saying about us

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Rajiv Ahuja, VP Engineering, Marketo

Our core team focuses on innovative features, and Zeesoft has been a star partner for the last several years managing the I18n in parallel flawlessly, creating Localization toolkits for simultaneous release of all the five languages with English, and continuous verification in all the languages. A 1-stop shop for all our global needs.

Ken Miyauchi, President, Softbank

Their diverse technology background helped us deploy a complex suite of applications in Japan by our deadline.

Mike Kremer, VP Engineering, Network Associates

They managed the entire i18n process excellently without much help from us. This really helped our development team focus on innovating and not be hampered by i18n issues or product questions.

Russell Tillitt, Project Lead, Beatnik

They said they were fast, but I had to see it to believe it.

Sydney Springer, VP Engineering, webMethods

Our enterprise adapters interact with specialized applications. You were able to pick up on the applications and our adapter technology extremely fast, and deliver well ahead of our forecast.

Dan Kellem, Operating System Manager, Scientific-Atlanta

The excellent quality of their work has defined and made possible the Internationalized version of our set-top Operating System.

Bob Barker, Director of Engineering, Chrysler

Can't get much to frazzle them technically. They constantly beat my time forecasts.

Patrice Lilly, Director of Engineering, Informix

Very dependable and responsive team. Always made me feel like I'm their only customer. Never backed away from any request.

Mike Kremer, VP Engineering, Blue Pumpkin

Your project management skills and attention to detail made the delivery of our Japanese and European products possible, and the integration back into our main code line painless.

Contact Us

Let us know how we can be of service to you by emailing our feedback line. We'll get back to you within hours.